Discover insights from the world’s leading experts on topics ranging from deep space exploration to building lunar settlements. Join us in Las Vegas to connect with astronauts and hear from space industry leaders.
Discover insights from the world’s leading experts on topics ranging from deep space exploration to building lunar settlements. Join us in Las Vegas to connect with astronauts and hear from space industry leaders.
How to invest in space exploration
Practical tips for people looking to capitalize on the growing interest in space exploration. - ARTICLE
One small step for a rover
Get to know the Lunar Outpost MAPP rover that is helping create the first human settlement on the moon. - ARTICLE
We made oxygen on Mars. What’s next?
MOXIE represents an important first step toward inhabiting the red planet. - ARTICLE
How to file a successful application to the NASA Astronaut Selection Program
The journey into space calls for a catalog of academic and professional accomplishments, as well as some luck.
Why Mars holds the key to understanding if there is life elsewhere in the universe
Bethany Ehlmann, Professor of Planetary Science at Caltech, explains why Mars is the “linchpin” to understanding the prospect of life in the universe.